Ahhhhhh....the monkey la la! No, I am not referring to the lizard also deemed this name but of the blended alcoholic beverage served up at the Sundowner in West End. It's like dessert and on a hot day

like the ones we have experienced here, one sip and I am saying, "Amen!" Also, saying, "Amen" is Matt who has had to sleep with either a light on or swaddled in a net for the last three nights. I thought the brown geckos which live on our walls in our hotel room/apartment were the very same monkey lala lizard where one bite from these little motorboats (sidebar:the lizard is also named the Jesus Christ Lizard due to it ability to look like it is walking on water) and it is rumored you are in for a world of hurt. We have not been able to get a decent internet connection during this time. No research could be done until tonight. Sleep will f

all peacefully on the Loera's of Roatan...no net swaddling or security light. I was able to do enough research to know a)the brown geckos are my friend b)the monkey lala lizard is not shacking up with us, and though it may give a nasty bite, we are safe in our little apartment :-) Amen!!! Matt will drink to that!!! :-)
Roatan also grows Noni berries. According to one website it is a funny-looking, unattractive tropical fruit with a long history of treating a v
ariety of respiratory, digestive, nervous and immune system issues. While at Sundowners, we met a great couple from Dallas (Hi CC and Rand!) who introduced me to the fruit and it's medicinal ways. I had seen it on the menu as a smoothie at the restaurant next to our cabin and was eager to try it. The next morning, I woke up rundown and not feeling so well (no it was not alcohol related) and got down to the smoothie shop to try a noni berry smoothie. It is already hotter then the dickens and the smoothie arrives cold and inviting. Bottoms up to health...or not! Yikes! I felt like I was sucking up my own vomit. I then vaguely recall CC and Rand mentioning the unappealing taste and wished I had ordered a small :-) Next time around, I plan on mixing it with another flavor or adding honey.
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